Thursday, October 28, 2010
blog 10 where the whale be at?: The place of race & racism in the discusion of environmentalism
According with the author Terry, black people are the group poorer in the U.S.A Black people necessity to help of the government and He author consider theses reasons: Black people have a historic bond with the environment. Black people live in toxic places and it damage their health, they live in poor conditions. They do not have the same access to healthy food. Many black students attend public schools located in contaminated sites.He author want to show with these cases the way in which live black people in U.S.A. Acording to the bible people Jesus taught us love first your God and after your brother. Jesus does not want to discrimination in the government and in the enterely world. Every body people have the same rights in The united states and in all the world.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Blogg 9: Summary of the Meatrix
The Meatrix it is film which talk us about the way in which the big farms give food to the animals, they use many hormons,antibiotics for the animals.In this way we can see the terrible way in which these big farms give food to the animals. this is a case terrible because we ate in our home these foods.
Meatrix Revolting
we can see in this documental how the farmers give to the baby caws artificial milk. they are not drinking milk of mother caws. The big farms are giving artifitial food to their animals.
The Meatrix II 1/2
In this part of the film we can see Leo who he is a pork, in this film leo want to save to his friend who is a bool of the agents because the agents want to kill his friend. we can see the poor conditions of the workers in these factories too.`
I could read about the caws in this lecture and I can say that the way in which the farms give food to the animals are very poor, because they give artifitial food their animals for example the baby cows are given artifitial milk, then they are given antibiotic hormones and many others things more these big farms are giving artifitial food to many animal in their farm.
I can see with this report the way in which they are grow for the farms. in the future i can see that our poblation will be eating not fresh food all the aliments will be artifitial.I can see that in the future the foods would not have vitamins or they will not be fresh they will have preservatives too.
we are seeing with our eyes this wich is happening in our earth. the government should put the eyes in this reports because they teach us the cruel reality what is happening in this time this is not only with the caws, this is with all the animals.
In conclusion,we should pay attention to the foods which we eat
Meatrix Revolting
we can see in this documental how the farmers give to the baby caws artificial milk. they are not drinking milk of mother caws. The big farms are giving artifitial food to their animals.
The Meatrix II 1/2
In this part of the film we can see Leo who he is a pork, in this film leo want to save to his friend who is a bool of the agents because the agents want to kill his friend. we can see the poor conditions of the workers in these factories too.`
I could read about the caws in this lecture and I can say that the way in which the farms give food to the animals are very poor, because they give artifitial food their animals for example the baby cows are given artifitial milk, then they are given antibiotic hormones and many others things more these big farms are giving artifitial food to many animal in their farm.
I can see with this report the way in which they are grow for the farms. in the future i can see that our poblation will be eating not fresh food all the aliments will be artifitial.I can see that in the future the foods would not have vitamins or they will not be fresh they will have preservatives too.
we are seeing with our eyes this wich is happening in our earth. the government should put the eyes in this reports because they teach us the cruel reality what is happening in this time this is not only with the caws, this is with all the animals.
In conclusion,we should pay attention to the foods which we eat
Thursday, October 21, 2010
I would like this spot because talk about the clons
M KHAy: ARTIFACT 2 : CLONING: "Cloning in biology is the process of producing similar populations of genetically identical individuals that occurs in nature when organ..."
M KHAy: ARTIFACT 2 : CLONING: "Cloning in biology is the process of producing similar populations of genetically identical individuals that occurs in nature when organ..."
i like monica spot because it is interesting and with a good mesagge.
Monica's Blog: " A COPPERTOP'S LIFE ARTIFACT" PART II: "TANNING BEDS, TANNING SALONS. A tanning bed or sun tanning bed is a device emitting ultraviolet radiation (typically 97% UVA and 3% UV..."
Monica's Blog: " A COPPERTOP'S LIFE ARTIFACT" PART II: "TANNING BEDS, TANNING SALONS. A tanning bed or sun tanning bed is a device emitting ultraviolet radiation (typically 97% UVA and 3% UV..."
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
blog 8
Practice Catw 3: The Net is the real world.
The Net can be an excellent communication in our real world. We can find much important information in the Net, not only students enter in the Internet we can see workers,children etc,too. In this time the Internet is an important tool what help to the people in all their activities. When I was reading this case that occurred in the net , this case made me feel bad, because I use the Internet and this case is a surprise for me. I can see that this accident to occurred with this young boy this happening many young people in our society. Our privacy is being violated for other people this is a terrible felony.
A case similar happened in the Truman's story which we read in class. In reality we are not sure if we have privacy in our lives.
Actually the net is a tool very important which we use to do researches,homework and other important things.this case is a pity because there was an accident with this young boy.
Other point is that in the Internet we can see many scams . the Internet a tool very important can be danger to the humanity. In these times we should use the Internet to realize good things nor damages to the humanity.
These terrible cases occur to people who they have emotional problems.
This is some terrible what we the people don't have privacy in our lives. this is a terrible felony, which it is a violation of the law.
Actually these cases happen in our society we could see this case in the Truman's show which he did not know that his story many people were watching for TV.
Many cases similarly of this case of felony are punishment for the law.
In conclusion the net is an interesting and important tool necessary to many people and to other people can be a danger in their hands.
The Net can be an excellent communication in our real world. We can find much important information in the Net, not only students enter in the Internet we can see workers,children etc,too. In this time the Internet is an important tool what help to the people in all their activities. When I was reading this case that occurred in the net , this case made me feel bad, because I use the Internet and this case is a surprise for me. I can see that this accident to occurred with this young boy this happening many young people in our society. Our privacy is being violated for other people this is a terrible felony.
A case similar happened in the Truman's story which we read in class. In reality we are not sure if we have privacy in our lives.
Actually the net is a tool very important which we use to do researches,homework and other important things.this case is a pity because there was an accident with this young boy.
Other point is that in the Internet we can see many scams . the Internet a tool very important can be danger to the humanity. In these times we should use the Internet to realize good things nor damages to the humanity.
These terrible cases occur to people who they have emotional problems.
This is some terrible what we the people don't have privacy in our lives. this is a terrible felony, which it is a violation of the law.
Actually these cases happen in our society we could see this case in the Truman's show which he did not know that his story many people were watching for TV.
Many cases similarly of this case of felony are punishment for the law.
In conclusion the net is an interesting and important tool necessary to many people and to other people can be a danger in their hands.
Friday, October 15, 2010
Four Lab: A copperto's life Artifacts(10/15)
I think that the world can be real or not real. In these times that the technology is a boon which it is important to all the people. the cell phone for example is some real but it is some no real too. Many think that the cell phone is a instrument important. the cell phone message is an instrument important too. when we heard the voice of the voice message we can see that it is a voice not real because nobody answer the phone. In conclusion the cell-phone is important in our society for many reasons for example it is helping us in our communication daily. cell-phone is very important to each person in this time 

Many people know that a robot is some present in our technology. In many TV programs we can see that a robot is some not -real we can see again that there is much fantasy in these movies of robot. but in this time the robotic show us that the technology is present in the use of this machine. in this time the scientist wish that the robot do the role of the human being but it will be impossible because it is only a machine. it is a illusion

Thursday, October 14, 2010
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Blogg 5: Reader response
The most interesting idea and important was when My family and me kwew jesus Savior. And other important idea is study in U.S.A because U.S.A is a potency in the world.
Friday, October 8, 2010
Brainstorming about technology
I a) Tool=any instrument of manual operation
tool for example hammer
B) Cyborg= a person whose phisiological functioning is aided by or dependant upon a mechanical or electronic device.
Cyborg for example =android
C)Technology= Process, invention, method or the like
Technology=electronic , science
technology for example=computer
II In my daily life I use metrocard, buses,trains, computer etc. I always use them because they are necessary to me without this technology I think that it will be a chaos
tool for example hammer
B) Cyborg= a person whose phisiological functioning is aided by or dependant upon a mechanical or electronic device.
Cyborg for example =android
C)Technology= Process, invention, method or the like
Technology=electronic , science
technology for example=computer
II In my daily life I use metrocard, buses,trains, computer etc. I always use them because they are necessary to me without this technology I think that it will be a chaos
Blog 6
Truman's life is similar to the others reality show for example the bachelor show.I can say this because in the bachelor shows us how the person live, what the person do and many things more of her or his daily life. These realities show to have much audience between the public, because the public live and enjoy the show and wait a new chapter each day. Many people enjoy the bachelor program because this program is done with the idea of satisfy to the public.
The difference between Truman's life and bachelor show is that nobody pay to Truman for know about his life.
In the program Truman's life, Truman did not know that a program of TV is saving his life and many people were watchimg for TV his story, To Truman was a surprise what a program of TV record his life and this program were in TV. All Seahaven place were watching for TV his story, and this was really a surprise to Truman but Truman only smile and of this way, finish the story.In conclusion Truman's life and bachelor are reality show programs that entertainment to the audience with the purpose of having a good rating in TV.
The difference between Truman's life and bachelor show is that nobody pay to Truman for know about his life.
In the program Truman's life, Truman did not know that a program of TV is saving his life and many people were watchimg for TV his story, To Truman was a surprise what a program of TV record his life and this program were in TV. All Seahaven place were watching for TV his story, and this was really a surprise to Truman but Truman only smile and of this way, finish the story.In conclusion Truman's life and bachelor are reality show programs that entertainment to the audience with the purpose of having a good rating in TV.
Blog 7: I am not a cyborg.
Cyborg are robots with multiple functions to the science of this time. In my case, I am not a cyborg or robot, because I am a human being. Cyborgs or robots are machine what were created for the man.This technology is very important in this time. Many scientific Think that in the future, the robots will do the work of the man. These robots were created for the man with the purpose of help.The intelligence of the robot is limited and depend of the intelligence of the man I am not a cyborg because, I am not a machine. I was created for Jesus. and Jesus gave us intelligence to do many things. For example the man is able of create many things. In this time the technology is going up because the scientists are doing many research and finding much technology. Every day the science is developing and discovering many things to the future.
Cyborgs are only machines what help to the man in his or her works.The intelligence of the man is more superior than cyborgs machine. Cyborgs can not function without the intelligence of the man. Cyborgs depend of the man I am a human being not a cyborg, because I depend of Jesus, not depend of the robots or other science. In this time the science is developing and every day there is some new in the technology. The intelligence of the man is more than superior each day. In conclusion Cyborgs are machine that help the man in her or his multiple tasks but these machines are not superiors the man.
Cyborgs are only machines what help to the man in his or her works.The intelligence of the man is more superior than cyborgs machine. Cyborgs can not function without the intelligence of the man. Cyborgs depend of the man I am a human being not a cyborg, because I depend of Jesus, not depend of the robots or other science. In this time the science is developing and every day there is some new in the technology. The intelligence of the man is more than superior each day. In conclusion Cyborgs are machine that help the man in her or his multiple tasks but these machines are not superiors the man.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Revised blog 4
Summary of Plato’s “Allegory of the Cave”
In Plato ‘s allegory of the cave’, Socrates thinks that there are two different worlds in our lives, ignorance, and wisdom.The author wants to do a difference in these two behaviors in the people,because the author wants us show with examples the differences of these two behaviors in the life of the people in our society. One of them are "ignorance and the other is wisdom".'Other point that the author wants us mention are the existence of two behaviors'. In this time the fight for being each day better is a point which we should imitate. Socrates mention us many important things in his book. For example Socrates wants to mention with his book 'the importance of the human behavior'.Socrates talk us about of people who are ignorant and wise
When I read this book I could see how to we can get success in our lives if we want it.
The author shows us two ways different in our lives, but the better answer is continue with our dreams. All the people have dreams in their lives. The author explain us that in the life is all possible. Socrates is a philosopher that in all his books talk us about motivation, the use of the reason and how to get our dreams or goals in our life.
In conclusion this book teaches me think that all it is possible in the life.if you want it you can do it
My Place in the Cave
I am imagining that if I am in Socrates' cave I were suffering because it is how to the hell. The socrates ‘cave, hell and darkness to the humanity. I can imagine that all it is a darkness where the souls suffer because they want to LEAVE out. This situation is very terrible to the humankind. if i were in in this case I ask Jesus for mercy. Because Jesus has the authority to do it. I think that this darkness is take out with the power of God. In this situation i claim my Jesus to solution this problem.This remember me to the verses of the bible where it mention about the hell where the people suffer in this place.where the people are punishments for their sins. I can say that I am not in that place because I am with the protection of my Jesus and I TRY of living a life according to the bible. Jesus has the power of protect me among that terrible place. which it is something real in our life the existence of the HEAVEN and the hell.
I am living in the earth. I don 't like socrates' cave because it is a place where one can see many terrible things in that place. In these moments I am in the earth enjoying the life with my Jesus, family and friends. we are the body of Jesus. because Jesus came for the humanity and Jesus loves us and Jesus has a beautiful place to us.
We are children of God and Jesus give us all the better to their creatures.
In conclusion I am not in that terrible place which is the hell or the socrates'cave. Because I belong to Jesus and Jesus is in my life and in the life of people who accept how his or her saviour too.
In Plato ‘s allegory of the cave’, Socrates thinks that there are two different worlds in our lives, ignorance, and wisdom.The author wants to do a difference in these two behaviors in the people,because the author wants us show with examples the differences of these two behaviors in the life of the people in our society. One of them are "ignorance and the other is wisdom".'Other point that the author wants us mention are the existence of two behaviors'. In this time the fight for being each day better is a point which we should imitate. Socrates mention us many important things in his book. For example Socrates wants to mention with his book 'the importance of the human behavior'.Socrates talk us about of people who are ignorant and wise
When I read this book I could see how to we can get success in our lives if we want it.
The author shows us two ways different in our lives, but the better answer is continue with our dreams. All the people have dreams in their lives. The author explain us that in the life is all possible. Socrates is a philosopher that in all his books talk us about motivation, the use of the reason and how to get our dreams or goals in our life.
In conclusion this book teaches me think that all it is possible in the life.if you want it you can do it
My Place in the Cave
I am imagining that if I am in Socrates' cave I were suffering because it is how to the hell. The socrates ‘cave, hell and darkness to the humanity. I can imagine that all it is a darkness where the souls suffer because they want to LEAVE out. This situation is very terrible to the humankind. if i were in in this case I ask Jesus for mercy. Because Jesus has the authority to do it. I think that this darkness is take out with the power of God. In this situation i claim my Jesus to solution this problem.This remember me to the verses of the bible where it mention about the hell where the people suffer in this place.where the people are punishments for their sins. I can say that I am not in that place because I am with the protection of my Jesus and I TRY of living a life according to the bible. Jesus has the power of protect me among that terrible place. which it is something real in our life the existence of the HEAVEN and the hell.
I am living in the earth. I don 't like socrates' cave because it is a place where one can see many terrible things in that place. In these moments I am in the earth enjoying the life with my Jesus, family and friends. we are the body of Jesus. because Jesus came for the humanity and Jesus loves us and Jesus has a beautiful place to us.
We are children of God and Jesus give us all the better to their creatures.
In conclusion I am not in that terrible place which is the hell or the socrates'cave. Because I belong to Jesus and Jesus is in my life and in the life of people who accept how his or her saviour too.
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