Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Blogg 9: Summary of the Meatrix

The Meatrix it is film which talk us about the way in which the big farms give food to the animals, they use many hormons,antibiotics  for  the animals.In this way we can see the terrible way in which these  big farms give food to the animals. this is a  case terrible because we ate in our home these foods.

Meatrix Revolting
we can see in this documental how the farmers give to the baby caws artificial milk. they are not drinking  milk of mother caws. The big farms  are giving artifitial food to their animals.

The Meatrix II 1/2
In this part of the film we can see Leo who he is  a pork, in this film leo want to save to his friend  who is a bool of the agents because the agents want to kill his friend. we can see the poor conditions of the workers in these factories too.`

I could read about the caws in this lecture and I can say that the way in which the farms give food to the animals  are very poor, because they give artifitial food their animals for example the baby cows are given artifitial milk, then they are given antibiotic hormones and many others things more these big farms are giving artifitial food to many animal in their farm.
I can see with this report the way in which they are grow for the farms. in the future i can see that our poblation will be eating not fresh food all the aliments will be artifitial.I can see that in the future   the foods would not have   vitamins or they will  not  be fresh they will have preservatives too.
we are seeing with our eyes this wich is happening in our earth. the government should  put the eyes in this reports because they teach us  the cruel reality  what is happening in this time this is not only with the caws, this is with all the animals.
In conclusion,we should  pay  attention  to the foods which  we eat

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