Tuesday, October 19, 2010

blog 8

Practice Catw 3: The Net is the real world.

The Net can be an excellent  communication  in our real world. We can find much important information in the Net, not only students enter in the Internet we can see workers,children etc,too. In this time the Internet is an important tool what help to the people in all their activities. When I was reading this case that occurred in the net , this case made me feel bad, because  I use the Internet and this case is a surprise for me. I can  see that this accident to occurred with  this young boy this happening many  young people in our society. Our privacy is being violated for other people this is a terrible felony.
A case similar happened in the Truman's story which we read in class. In reality we are not sure if we have privacy in our lives.
Actually the net is a tool very important which we use to do researches,homework and other important things.this case is a pity because there was an accident with this young boy.
Other point is that in the Internet we can see many scams . the Internet  a tool very important can be danger to the humanity. In these times we should use the Internet to realize good things nor damages to the humanity.
These terrible cases occur to people who they have emotional problems.
This is some terrible what we the people don't  have privacy in our lives. this is  a terrible felony, which it is a violation of the law.
Actually these cases happen in our society we could see this case in the Truman's show which he did not know that his  story many people were watching for TV.
Many cases similarly  of  this case of  felony are punishment for the law.
In conclusion the net is  an interesting and important tool necessary to many people and  to other people can be a danger in their  hands.


  1. we can find many things on seaching the net,and I totally agree especially for people like me who have family in another country.

  2. This is very interesting. I also heard things about this relating to facebook.
