Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Blogger 13: Catw 5 How to do one thing at a time

People do better their task when they do single tasks and multi-tasking peers do poor task. According to the author there are many methods to get good  concentration. for example yoga and acupunture these methods are effective according to the author. these methods are effective  to people who want to have a good concentration. there  is a strong evidence  that our brain does better  when performnig task in sequence rather than all at once. In this time people people do much multi-tasking, when we the people do much multi-tasking in their job, they have poor performance.
According  to the author our  our brain have cognitive limits.in this article the author talk us that many people talking on the phone while driving. this  is  a terrible mistake other point is texting while driving, this is some crazy.
I think that when one person pay  attention  only in other thing and they  do not do multi -tasking. they can have better performance in their jobs. If we are doing multiple task at the same time their jobs will be poor. the author want to teach  that  people doing multiple tasks can not  do  a better performance.
According to the report in a recent experiment at Stamford university, the single-taskers did significalty better than their multi-tasking peers.
In conclusion is better do a thing well done that multiple tasks bad done. our brain works better with  single-taskers that with multi tasking peers
The author refers that we should pay our focus in one thing not in many things. if we want to do a excellent performance we will have to do our jobs  in sequences.


  1. By the way my name is Neelofar.

  2. Hi my name is Neelofar. I'm taking the Teaching Writing class and so i'm a peer tutor. I just wanted to tell you what I thought about your blog entry. I liked your conclusion and I thought that you had great ideas throughout. However, I found it difficult to distinguish between the summary, a significant idea that you liked, and your evidence from personal experience. I felt that the summary was there throughout the entry. I would suggest you make an outline. In your outline make sure that the summary, significant idea, and evidence through experience all have their own body paragraphs. Allowing each topic to have its own paragraph will allow you to explain the topic in detail. If you stick to talking about the topic only in its own paragraph, then you won't have to add it later on in the entry. In your introduction you can use one sentence from each body paragraph. For example, one sentence from the summary, one sentence from the significant idea, and one sentence from the evidence. I think that an outline will help you with the organization and focus of your entry. I hope you find this advice useful.
