Monday, September 27, 2010

What I need to do to pass the CATW seriously

if I want to pass the CATW seriously, I need to study hardly this subject.  how can do it The first step  to me is study before of the test or quiz.A student must to do the homework on time, the student should not do the things late. The student must study  before to pass the test. Other point is that We should to do our homework prontly. An student should not wait until late to finish the homework. One student must to be punctual in all the subject. if the student is responsible with all her or his homework, the student will get good results. Other step is pay attention in class and other point is copy the notes  of the professor to study them, a student has to be persistent and the student must to say herself or himself  that all it is possible if he or she can believe. In my case I believe that it is possible because I trust in Jesus and I know that Jesus can help me in all  the things. Never one person must to be negative. if this happen in you life, you need to change is behaviour because it is a point negative to you daily  life.The last point is be present in class. No absence  too.
In conclusion these are the steps in which  a student will get  good results  to pass  the CATW, with these tips you will get a good score in all the subjects

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